Why Produce Companies Should Start Marketing a “Try Day”

Shifting the way that consumers approach purchasing and consuming produce is a challenge for the entire industry. We know that the best way to get shoppers to add more produce into their cart is through promoting recipes and ideas that make cooking and eating produce more fun. After our team listened in to Produce for Health’s “The State of the Plate” webinar back in January, we wanted to dive more into a topic they brought up, “Try Days.” The idea behind the try day is to choose one day a week (Friday was the suggested day for the way it pairs with the word “try”) that produce companies will ask consumers to try a new fruit or vegetable. Similar to meatless Monday, it is just one day a week that companies can challenge their customers to add in a new or popular produce item into a home cooked meal.

Though the idea is simple, it is a great marketing tactic that will help give shoppers an extra incentive to add more produce to their carts. Companies in the industry have already caught on and began to trial their own Try Day tactics. Produce industry favorite Lori Taylor of The Produce Moms has been promoting “try days” to her readers by creating a produce challenge. By asking her followers to try new fruits or vegetables every day that can be incorporated into her recipes, she is not only promoting her website, but also helping drive more sales for the industry. Try Days benefit more than just individual produce companies. We can help encourage better consumption habits and promote the industry as a whole.

If your produce company could benefit from a Try Day but needs help with recipe creations or other marketing tactics, please reach out and schedule a free consultation with our team at Oster and Associates. With over 35 years’ experience of working with produce brands, we can help give your company the competitive edge it needs.



Below we have some examples of how the Oster and Associates team utilized try day this week. The top photos are Bev’s rapini before and after. The second photos are Jacqueline’s Spanish padron peppers that were served blistered with salt.


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