Planting Media Relations Seeds Reaps Coverage

When you see your favorite brands featured in your favorite publications, it’s hardly the publication’s own doing that they appeared there. There’s a whole team of advocates behind those brands that previously earned the trust and respect of both the writer and publication to secure those spots for the brand. The act of media relations is essentially relationship building between a brand or its public relations agency and editors, reporters and journalists. At Oster and Associates, we believe wholeheartedly in the tips below to develop relationships with media to earn coverage for clients.

Introduce Yourself

Whether you are new to an agency, your agency is new to the industry that you’re trying to get coverage in, or you just haven’t worked with a media contact before, be sure to introduce yourself before pitching anything. Explain who you are, what you do, where you work, the clients you work with and the industries and topics that your clients can speak to. Brush up on their history, education and past and current workplaces. You could have something in common that could be a great conversation starter!

Reference a past article or clip they wrote or reported on and relate it to what you can offer from your clients for future, similar pieces.

It’s a Two-Way Street

Relationships with media are like any other personal relationship. It’s important to work with media to ensure you’re offering news that they’re interested in to benefit your client. Pitch content that is relevant to what is on their editorial calendar for that month, related to the season, or a current event your client can speak to because it’s related to their industry. Always ask what you can do for media rather than focusing on what they can do for you.

Interact with and Publically Thank Media

Once the coverage is published or broadcasted, share it on your agency’s and related clients’ appropriate social media channels. Most importantly, tag the writer, reporter and/or publication in the post, too. Occasionally like, share and retweet posts by related media to show engagement even when not working together. You will be top of mind and your actions will be appreciated by the media contact.

Adhere to Media Deadlines

Media contacts, no matter what publication, blog or station they work for, usually have tight deadlines. Missing their deadlines puts them in an uncomfortable situation with their supervisors. Proving you can meet or beat their deadlines with all the materials they asked for (and more if possible) shows that you can be trusted to work with again in the future. When appropriate, provide more than what was asked of you in the form of photos, quotes and information.

Can your company benefit from stronger media relations or need assistance gaining more coverage? We can help you gain brand awareness and increase your revenue. Visit us at or call 619-906-5540 to get in touch with us.

– Claire

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