Making the Most of Small Business Marketing and Public Relations

Today marks the final day of Small Business Week 2014. Small Business Week began in 1963 as a way to recognize the contributions of small business owners and entrepreneurs. More than half of our American population either owns or is employed by a small business, so it’s no wonder why Small Business Week is so widely celebrated here in the United States.

Oster and Associates itself is a small business, started over 25 years ago. Because of this, we have a unique understanding of the needs and obstacles faced by small businesses. Our slogan is “EVOLVE.” To us, evolving a brand means deliberate and ongoing development of a company’s message, its products and its people in order remain at the forefront of a continually changing business landscape. Evolving companies is in our DNA. We’re proud to have worked with dozens of small businesses, helping them raise awareness, gain greater visibility, achieve recognition, and build brand equity among their consumers – helping them EVOLVE.

In our experience, one of the most important things that small businesses should invest in is marketing and public relations. Even with a modest budget, dedicating even a small portion to developing a strategic marketing plan can help you achieve greater visibility and ultimately, drive sales.

Public relations is another valuable tool for small business owners. Creating a strong public relations plan will pay off in spades. While marketing and advertising is often referred to as “owned” media, because it must be paid for, public relations is often referred to as “earned” media, because it is obtained without cost. By reaching out to media, for example, stories can be shared, businesses promoted, and awareness raised, all without paying for any coverage. Because of this, public relations is a fantastic tool for small businesses to get discovered and have their voice heard.

We have 28 years of experience in helping small businesses flourish by creating strategic and innovative public relations and marketing campaigns. Contact us today and see what we can do to help you EVOLVE.

Happy Small Business Week from all of us at Oster and Associates! 


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