Leading With a Purpose in a Crisis

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” If the past few months have taught us anything, it’s that you can find out a lot about a person’s and company’s character during a crisis. COVID-19 is this crisis and it has tested the limits of people and businesses around the world.

Leadership comes in many forms and the current global pandemic has proven that companies who lead with a purpose in a crisis have the opportunity to help others, make a positive impact in society and either establish or reinforce public perception of a brand.

Our client, Organics Unlimited, a San Diego-based grower and distributor of organic tropical fruit from Mexico and Ecuador, made a decision early on during the COVID-19 breakout to actively help out wherever they could by providing financial support. The Organics Unlimited GROW Disaster Relief Fund was deployed to help communities and workers deal with the sudden impact of COVID-19 in its own backyard. This included sourcing additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and respirators for clinic providers to the uninsured and also supporting the San Diego Worker Assistance Initiative.

The company established an emergency sub-fund to be used for purposes like COVID-19. Organics Unlimited displayed strong leadership reacting in real time by helping people in need. They made their decision because it was simply the right thing to do.

When companies proactively lead, communities are better off for it. Though we may not be able to control circumstances around us, we can control how we react to them.

If you have a desire to lead with a purpose but aren’t necessarily sure how, please reach out to Oster and Associates. We would be honored to help guide you find leadership opportunities that match your company’s culture and vision.

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