Imagine your company being profiled in a feature story that ran in one of your industry’s top trade media publications. How cool would that be? How many people would notice your company’s name or read the article? What impact would it make on growing your business or getting your desired message to a target market?
At Oster and Associates, our clients have benefitted greatly from feature stories over the years. It takes a team effort to make these earned media placements possible. On your behalf, we work with media outlets and contacts in a wide range of industries with the intention of sharing your company’s story to inform, invite, educate, or entertain others.
One of our longtime clients, Organics Unlimited, is a global pioneer in organic bananas. The company’s president and CEO Mayra Velazquez de Leon and general manager Daniella Velazquez de Leon were recently featured in the January-February 2023 issue of The Snack, a leading produce industry magazine. Mayra co-founded Organics Unlimited in 2000 and built it into America’s largest women-owned and family-run organic banana company. Her oldest daughter, Daniella, joined the company in 2018 and has since worked her way up the ladder after gaining outside work experience in marketing and digital advertising.
A mother-daughter leadership duo is rare for the organic produce sector. The Snack was curious enough to share their unique story by digging deeper to find out what makes Organics Unlimited so special. That included sharing how things started, describing where things are today and providing a look toward the future. Growing sustainably, giving back to workers, and supporting healthy farming communities in Mexico and Ecuador have all been the common thread from the company’s start. This commonality will carry Organics Unlimited into the future with passion and commitment to make positive social change in communities both local and abroad.
If you would like to share your company’s story with a specific audience, let’s connect to see how we can make that happen.