Dümmen Orange Ushers in the Era of Predictive Breading with Intrinsa

Dümmen Orange is taking the floriculture industry by storm with the development of their new predictive breeding technology, IntrinsaTM. Several years ago, Dümmen Orange made it their mission to develop stronger, healthier, more sustainable, and economically viable plants for a greener future – and did just that. Through extensive technology- driven R&D, their trait discovery team identified 50 plus genetic traits with exceptional performance and have more than 70 research programs working on identifying even more. IntrinsaTM is the future of floriculture, and Dümmen Orange is just getting started. So what is it that makes IntrinsaTM so groundbreaking? Let’s dive in.

IntrinsaTM plants are scientifically perfected from the inside out. By studying traits of wild species in nature, their trait discovery team was able to learn biological causes for existing or missing Intrinsa flowersresistances. With this knowledge, they can systematically improve and extend crucial traits in their commercial varieties. This means that the plants deficiencies are cured from within, making the plants able to withstand even more biotic and abiotic stresses than ever before.

IntrinsaTM varieties are perfected with positive traits that can withstand a multitude of external conditions. They have increased resistance for the deadliest diseases in the industry like bacteria, virus, viral and fungal diseases, and insects. These varieties also have a higher tolerance for environmental stresses like cold, heat and drought. Not only are these plants stronger and more reliable from within, but they are exceptionally designed to look just as beautiful on the outside.

From breeder to grower, to retailer to gardener, IntrinsaTM is truly a win-win for everyone. Thanks to AI phenotyping and predictive breeding, the process not only produces better results, but it does so more often and in less time. Growers can now spend less time, money and resources trying to keep possible dangers away from their plants, which makes plant production much easier and more sustainable. With fewer harsh chemicals needed to keep plants healthy throughout the life cycle, these varieties are powering a more sustainable future. This increased efficiency and reliability across the supply chain means that everyone’s investment will go further, resulting in less waste, fewer risks, and efficient results. So you can step aside, sit back, and let your plants do the work for you. With IntrinsaTM you can care more by caring less. It’s that simple.

This incredible breeding technology has not gone unrecognized.  At Cultivate’22 (a premier event for the entire plant and gardening industry) IntrinsaTM was selected as the 2022 Technology of the Year award winner during Greenhouse Grower’s Medal of Excellence program. This prestigious award was judged by a selection panel of industry experts to determine the best that the plant and floriculture industry has to offer. This award not only recognizes new technology and innovations in the industry but also what will have a lasting impact on greenhouse production while improving plant quality. Dümmen Orange is ahead of the game by investing in the future, and they are just scratching the surface.Greenhouse Grower's Medal of Excellence

So what does smarter, more sustainable breeding look like? It looks like IntrinsaTM. For more on Intrinsa’sTM breakthrough breeding technology, watch this short video!

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