Communication During a Pandemic

Communication is key to any successful relationship. It’s true in personal and professional settings. Throw in an unknown variable like a worldwide pandemic for which no cure yet exists and communication becomes a vitally important element for not only success, but also survival.

For companies to survive and thrive during trying times like COVID-19, having a clearly established line of communication is critical. Given the remote nature of work for many industries over the past few months, Zoom or GoTo meetings, frequent email correspondence and group text messages have become more widely accepted forms of daily contact. Social media posts and newsletter eblasts are effective ways to share information about modified hours of operation, changes to products or services, and to reinforce the open line of dialogue that companies have with their customers and employees.

Globally accessible and locally embedded, our client Dümmen Orange stayed at the forefront of the horticultural industry by incorporating a wide range of tools to communicate with its partners and associates around the world. Certain countries and areas gave different designations of what was and wasn’t deemed an essential business. Dümmen Orange successfully navigated the maze of confusion by establishing an internal communication plan to keep its employees in the loop along with creating a robust external communication plan to keep its customers and the trade media up-to-date on all necessary news.

Supporting Dümmen’s efforts over the past few months, Oster and Associates can attest to the importance of creating and executing a communications blueprint during a stressful time like the COVID-19 global pandemic. If your company could use a better plan or maybe just review what you’ve been doing, please don’t hesitate to let us help.

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