CAST 2023 with Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange recently hosted their 2023 California Spring Trials (CAST) garden party at the beautiful Filipponi Ranch in San Luis Obispo, California. Introducing their exciting new offerings for 2024, Dümmen Orange put on a breathtaking display to unveil an assortment of their new annuals and perennials.  Along with introducing their exciting new varieties, they used this opportunity to educate about their commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Passionate purpose is a core value at Dümmen Orange, and it was enlightening to learn more about company including their investment in innovation and growing techniques to grow crops in the most sustainable way and learning more about its farms around the world and how their people are put first. Not only did we have the opportunity to learn more about our client, but we also got to connect with the media, gain photography and produce product videos, and develop social media content.


The first standout was their new I’Conia® begonias, the most luxurious series of all hybrid Iconia Begoniabegonias. They introduced six new colors in the series, including a fan favorite, I’Conia® Portofino Dark Orange. With its dark green foliage and large, double flowers, this exquisite plant makes a dramatic statement in the garden, combination containers and hanging baskets.


yellow DahliaNext up was their Dahlia Revelation series that will become the standard-bearer for uniform timing and habit in dahlias. They are perfect for Pink Dhaliaattracting pollinators with their open flower form. Available in Pink, Red, Yellow, Soft Orange and Salmon Bicolor, each of these beauties provides strong contrast against its dark leaves

The new Coleus Down Town series are named after popular downtowns in the U.S.! This series introduced six bold additions to their coleus collection, each with fun textures and different colorful foliage options. Coleus Down Town’s NYC Nights and Miami Magic were definitely CAST favorites!Coleus


One of my CAST favorites, Pink Batik, recently joined the Pelargonium Big EEZE series, one of the most impressive geranium series available in the market. With its unique bicolor mosaic pattern, this outstanding variety is a real eye catcher! Not only is it beautiful and unique, but it has outstanding garden performance and impressive heat tolerance.

Along with all of the beautiful displays, Dümmen Orange offered an overview of the company’s sustainability journey and commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). It was very interesting to learn about how carefully they consider their environmental footprint, and the impact they have on their employees. It was very enlightening and educational, and more companies should follow their lead in becoming sustainability focused. If you work in the horticulture industry and have marketing needs, please schedule a free consultation with us now!




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