2020 was a booming year in the gardening world, bringing in a wave of new gardeners in the midst of the pandemic, and experts suggest they’re here to stay! Whether looking to pick up a new hobby, get outside, practice sustainability, or make their home a more beautiful place, the COVID-19 pandemic brought in a wave of new gardeners, setting 2021 up to be a big year for the industry. According to LaidBackGardener, some 16 million people claimed to have started gardening in the US in 2020 . However, newbies weren’t the only ones getting more involved; experienced gardeners put in an average of two additional hours a day in the garden after the onsite of the outbreak (laidbackgardener.blog).
Vegetable gardening also gained notable popularity in the last year, as 67% of adults surveyed said they grew food plants in 2020. It is no surprise vegetable gardening gained such popularity, as it’s a great way to promote sustainability, save money, and provide friends and family with delicious, home-grown vegetables.
Getting outside and spending time in the garden has also been found to offer strong and helpful mental benefits, which can be especially helpful in the midst of the pandemic. According to Harvard health, research in ecotherapy has shown strong connections between time spent in nature and reduced anxiety, stress, and depression. Time spent in the garden not only makes for a fun hobby and beautiful spaces around your home, but it actually helps to calm and soothe the mind, improving mental health and wellbeing.
If you haven’t hopped on the gardening bandwagon, 2021 is your year! Gardening is not only an inexpensive and enjoyable hobby, but also a great way to get outside and to spend time with friends and family. Making time in the garden part of your routine can help lower your stress levels and boost your mood. With all of these benefits, it’s no surprise 2020 brought in the tidal wave of gardeners that it did!
Join us and the millions of gardeners across the US in the garden this year. At Oster and Associates, we’re passionate about gardening in and out of the office! Schedule a free consultation today to talk with a member of our experienced gardening industry marketing team.